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Live Coverage

Live coverage of any event available. Contact for more information.

Race Footage

Get video of your vehicle at any race.

4k Video

All cameras shot with top quality video for the best experience for your team.

-Race footage-


Relive past races

Download your memories

We save all our footage from every race since 2012 and it is all for sale. Whether it be footage of you, a family member, or a favorite driver, you can purchase all the footage you desire.

To buy the footage all you have to do is contact us and tell us what year, which race, and what vehicle number you are looking for. It’s as simple as that!

-Race footage-

Edited Videos

Highlight &

Social Media Videos

Highlight Reel


A 30 to 60 second long compilation with all your race highlights. Great for social media, websites, sponsors or simply showing family and friends! Visit shop for pricing.



Season Feature

A full season feature for you and your team. Ground, helicopter, and interviews for every race in the series of your choice. Highlights from every race including final results as well as a great story line as narrated by team members to keep you and your audience ready for racing

Race Feature

Complete coverage including ground, helicopter and drone footage, interviews, licensed music, team and sponsor logos and complete editing to bring you all the highlights of your team’s adventure in the desert.